Pat Novak for Hire Radio Show

4.5 ( 8775 ratings )
Materiały źródłowe Rozrywka
Desenvolvedor: scott hotaling
0.99 USD

Classic old time radio showing starring Jack Webb (1946, 1949) and Ben Morris (1947-48) as Pat Novak, a street wise guy who rents boats and anything else a good man pays a bad one to do.

Novak is always getting into scrapes when taking on jobs for hire or occassionally as a favor to a friend. When he does, he goes to see "The Only Honest Guy I Know" an ex-Doctor and a boozer named Jocko Madigan (played by Tudor Owens). Novaks nemesis is Lieutenant Hellman of Homicide (played by Raymond Burr and others) whos constantly trying to get Novak sent to the gas chamber. 

The show is formulaic, but its a work of art, with fantastic poetry. From Novaks fantastic similies and brilliant descriptions of the Femme Fatales to Jocko Madigans philisophical drunekn speeches, and the verbal (and sometimes phyiscal) fisticuffs between Novak and Hellman, Pat Novak for Hire is memorable from start to finish.

Show Names : Agnes_Bolton, Death_In_Herald_Square, Dixie_Gilian, Dixie_Gillian, Father_Leahy, Fleet_Lady, Georgie_Lampson, Geranium_Plant, Give_Envelope_to_John_St_John, Jack_Of_Clubs, Joe_Condano, Joe_Dineen, John_Brown_Gambling_Ring, Little_Jake_Siegel, Lydia_Reynolds_Case, Marcia_Halpern, Mysterious_Set_Of_Books, Reuben_Callaways_Pictures, Rita_Malloy, Rory_Malone, Sam_Tolliver, Shirt_Mix_up_At_The_Laundry, Wendy_Morris